This is a continuation of my previous post.
After the phone call, I read all of the emails and letters they had
sent me (luckily I do keep these important letters organised in a metal
filing box). Now this left me confused, I could not find any letter or
email that specified this £75 fee. In particular, their initial email
"It is also important that you read the full Policy Booklet, Your
Statement of Information, Your Motor Policy Schedule and Your
Certificate of Motor Insurance, which together, form the basis of the
insurance cover you have purchased to ensure that it meets your demands
and needs and you are familiar with all aspects of cover given to you
and in what circumstances this may be excluded or limited. Policy Key
Facts and Full Policy Wordings can be viewed or downloaded by clicking
on 'Policy Wordings' from the GoSkippy website"
So, I read the "policy booklet", "statement of information", "motor
policy schedule", "certificate of motor insurance" and finally on their
website their "Policy Wordings" (they have several PDF files, I read the
Southern Rock one, as that was the underwriter for this policy). This is what it said
about cancellation:
"Where We do not receive evidence of Your no claim discount,
licences for all drivers named on Your Policy or any other valid
requests to support the accuracy of information You gave Us and on
which Your insurance Terms are based upon, within 21 days from the
start date of the Policy. If We have not received such evidence by the
end of the 21 day period, We may issue a cancellation letter and We will
cancel Your Policy if We do not receive evidence by the end of the
seven day cancellation notice period"
So I promptly called back, and asked where this £75 fee was stated. The same woman
proceeded to open her web browser and asked me to follow her
instructions so I could see what part of the website it was shown in. At
the bottom of the homepage, there was a link for their "Terms of
Business". The woman was adamant, that was standard fee, and that I
agreed to their terms of business when I took the policy out. I could
see that this conversation was not going to progress any further and she
was not going to back down or offer any reduction to this stupidly high
fee, and thus I ended the call politely.
Find out how I recouped a small win, in the next post.
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